2015 Year In Review

January 05, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I cannot believe 2015 is over! It’s hitting me especially hard tonight since my cuddly, baby boy’s first birthday is tomorrow.  I wasn’t too bothered when my daughter turned one so I’ll chalk this time up to my seven month pregnancy hormones, tell myself it’s no big deal, and enjoy the day with my birthday boy. J

Last year was an amazing year. I had the best clients to date and zero complaints what-so-ever! I’m a little sad to see it go knowing all the changes 2016 has for us, but I’m sure when it’s all said and done I will feel exactly the same about 2016 as I do now about 2015.

Every year unfolds changes seen and unseen. That’s kind of the beauty/horror/excitement of it all, isn’t it? I never imagined I would have a baby two years in a row and honestly I’m a little overwhelmed. Haha. My kids love each other so much so I know this little girl will fit in perfectly and we will be one big happy family. J While last year brought a lot of changes for my family, it did not bring a lot of changes to WhIM Photography, LLC. It was so nice to just keep rolling with the way things were, but 2015 was a year of learning and now come the changes.
I just began a very early maternity leave from sessions (because…well…It’s cold outside and Christmas card season is over ;). When I return, my business structure, packages, client interaction, and the number of sessions/weddings I take will all see huge improvements. I am very excited about all the changes because I will be able to provide a whole new level of service for you and I know it will make your whole personalized art experience with me much more enjoyable!

Now, let’s talk resolutions!

My WhIM Photography goals for the year are to 1) learn more, and 2) blog more. It’s my hope to blog AT LEAST once a month (yes, it’s that bad), starting now. Hold me to it! Haha.

My personal goal is to be able to touch my toes! When I was 13 I had a major back surgery and even though that was 13 year ago all that bed time really messed with my athletic skills. I know you’re probably making fun of me right now but this is serious business. :-P

What are your goals for the New Year?

Finally the good stuff. These are some of my favorite captures of 2015. Enjoy! J


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